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A Role Model

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

A question most have heard and most likely thought about for a long time. But have you ever thought about who you want to be when you grow up? Having plans for the job you hope to pursue in the future is important, but so is having a person whose values and actions you can emulate.

Role models act as a guide to help you understand who you would like to become in the future.

There are many things to learn from a role model, but here are real benefits of having a role model:

Learn the Characteristics of a Successful Person

"Success" is a subjective term, but if someone is a role model they have done something to be successful in your eyes. Whether they are the senior class valedictorian, Olympic gold medalist, or your stay-at-home mom, the person you look up to has valuable qualities you can learn from. For example, your mom might teach you how to be patient even in the most frustrating circumstances while the gold medalist could teach you about discipline.

My real life example: I really adore my parents, they are the most significant people in my life. My mum taught me how to be tough yet kind and patient. Honestly, I know her much better and have a deep connection when I'm in my early 20's. I was a troubled teens in my early days, everything surrounds me seems confusing and misleading. I couldn't make a better decision in life until me and my mum start to open up and begin to accept one another. This is when I realized how beautiful this relationship is and things start to improve in a positive and healthier way. It taught me how much she has thrive to build this relationship and never give up on me. And, my dad taught me to be there when needed the most. He may never show much affection but I can tell from his eyes and the way he says, it tells me how much he care about the family. I am very thankful and grateful for all the loves, thoughtfulness and a positive role they has display all the while which makes me a way better person now.

Learn how to Overcome Obstacles

Everyone has a story of a time they had to overcome adversity. Hearing that Michael Jordan didn't make his high school's varsity basketball team, or that Oprah Winfrey was fired as a news reporter reminds us that failure won't prevent you from being successful in the future. Understanding how your role models overcame their obstacles will help you prepare to deal with future setbacks.

My real life example: I remembered during school days I kinda of half pass or it was never better than getting any above B grade. I'm not into a mainstream academic as I am very much learning through hands-on and perhaps arts movements. I know I will never get the opportunity to enter any locals university but I am very determined to explore various way in continuing education. So I decided to join workshops, seminars, conference, courses throughout and I'm glad that I did as years goes by, I managed to advance myself into getting two Diplomas in Psychology and Social Service. Believe it, I will not stop here and continue to further studies whenever I get the chance to. My motto is easy, never hold back and deal with it!

Have Someone to Inspire You

When you don't have the motivation to get work done, it is nice to have someone to be inspired with. Think about their success, and feel inspired to work as hard they did to reach a success of your own. Additionally, looking up to someone who has made a great change in the world will encourage you to do the same.

My real life example: I love readings since young especially quotable remarks by the true leaders. I always feel inspired on how they overcome hardships with a never give up attitude, taking every actions to the extreme and are passionate to give more than receiving. I was so amazed and still disbelief on how they start with a penny and now a millionaire. Do you know how much hard work need to be done, so never dream too fast if you are only willing to put in a little effort. I remember I was climbing so hard, it is extremely an over ride journey as I worn out, I've gotten all sorts of unpleasant remarks and being pushed to the limits. But you know what.. I'm glad that I went through the hurdles. It took me 7 years to master the organizational structure, mentorship, programme leads and all the administration processor. Thou I'm not detail oriented but I've made it because I was very much inspired by people hardship and I'm aspire to make a difference too!

Learn from Mistakes

Nobody is perfect, not even the person you look up to. At best, when your role model makes a mistake you will learn from it. At worst, you will at least get a reminder that everybody makes mistakes. An athlete might take steroids or a businessman might commit fraud but that does not necessarily make them bad people. Those were their reactions to pressure or adversity, and in the future you will learn from their actions and react differently.

My real life example: Honestly, I was constantly making mistakes because nothings perfect. As I grew, experienced taught me what's real, who is genuine, what I should do more or less, what should I say more or less, with whom should I speak to or trust. Is there anything that I regret most in life? Of course, I do. Can I fix it? Nope. I have to moved on, just be the better me, be grateful and appreciate the people who continue to stay in my life.

Become the Best Version of Yourself

Even though having a role model means looking up to another person, the end goal is to become the best version of yourself. Having someone to look up to, it gives you a guideline of values and actions to follow, but at the end of the day you are also your own person. Learn from others' actions and qualities and use them to improve your existing characteristics, and you will become someone else's role model one day!

My real life example: I used to observe and pick on every single characteristics which I considered it is good for me, but I didn't realized it actually hurt someone and further damage my relation. Perhaps I might have say or acted out at the wrong time, possibly at the wrong place and make the other person feels low to just make me feel better. Then I decided to reorganized my thoughts, do a lot more of self-reflect and I realized that all I ever wanted is to feel important, be loved, respect and honor. I've started to embrace my imperfection, I've learned to love myself, take care of my needs first so that I could do the same for others. When I start to accept and open up, I became the best version of me. I respect other people views, accept constructive feedback and just ignore negativity opinions. I developed my own values and continue to instill more positivity in my life.

So continue to look for someone to feel aspire and be inspired.

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