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Profitable Hobbies

Hobbies That Can Actually Make you Money!

I truly believed that we could earn money on a hobby that you can enjoy. Well I did once, when I established Flex Fusion Crew which focused on using dance and creative movements as a means for community and charitable causes, as well as leadership development for youths. It was the greatest experience of my life and I continue to just dance for fitness now!

Here are list of hobbies that make money including some real examples from the internet. Are you ready to make money from your passions?


Photography is a past time that's part hobby and part of artwork. If the photos that you are taking gravitate more toward art, it's entirely possible that you'll be able to make some money with this hobby. Though many people take photos all the time, only a few of us are really actually good at it.

There are several ways to monetize photography. There are number of major websites, such as Flickr and Shutterstock, that provides photos to various users across the web. You can earn some money by setting up an account on those sites, and adding your photos to sell to potential clients.

Another way is to market your work directly to actual clients. Professional photographers are quite expensive, so you may be able to sell your services as a discount alternative for people who need photos for graduations, weddings and special events. As you gain more experience, and clients, you can raise your rates and increase your income.


Writing has all kinds of possibilities. You can do it as a freelancer, responding to ads in Craiglist, or you can sign up for sites like Fiverr or PeoplePerHour where you can offer your services for open bidding.

You don't have to limit your work to straight writing assignments either. You can also try your hand at editing other people's work, as well as speech writing. And if there's a hidden teacher in you somewhere, you can even consider tutoring people on how to write. It's a weakness for a lot of people, who may be willing to pay you to help them get better at it.


There are all kinds of software packages out there that can help anyone to learn this, but most people don't get into it, even those who have an ongoing need for it. If you're good at graphic design, this is a niche that you can fill. Respond to ads on various sites, and even consider setting up your own website explaining what you can do, and providing samples of your work. You can even start on a site called

There is definitely a market out there for graphic design, though it is highly competitive. Still, if you have areal talent for it, you can rise above the competition and make good money.


You create or upgrade websites for yourself or your friends, mostly just because you like to do it? Well, there's a market of people businesses would be willing to pay you do it for them. Sure, there free templates like WordPress and available, but a lot of people lack the time, the motivation, or the aptitude to make even a simple application work.

If you are creative in building websites and can do so for a reasonable rate, you should find plenty of work out there. You can start by soliciting local small businesses or even placing small ads in trade publications. And having a website that any of your advertising can link back to, will be excellent opportunity to showcase your work through examples. You can start out working on relatively simple sites, the ones that you have the time in the skill level to do without much trouble. This year cash flow from the activity begins to grow, you take on more complicated and profitable assignments.


Have you seen some of the tens of thousands of websites and blogs on the web? Just about every one of them need someone to handle proofreading and editing. If this is something you're good at, either because of previous experience or because it's somethings you simply like to do, there's a huge market out there for it.

There's even plenty of opportunity outside the web. Virtually anything that's written needs to be proofread and edited. This includes marketing and advertising material, business "white papers", business proposals and books both printed and eBooks.

You may find the job at the top classified ads such as Craiglist, which has dedicated sections for editing, as well for "gigs" where you can pick up an odd assignment here and there. Once you get a few clients, you'll be rolling with repeat business and referrals.


Is there a subject that you are particularly passionate about? It can be business, finance, politics, health, fitness, entertainment, cooking, IT or just about any category you can think of. Start your own blog using WordPress or and become a blogger of self-styled experts that are populating the web. Eventually you will get a steady flow of of visitors, and soon enough the opportunity to add advertising arrangements, as well affiliate deals.

Most bloggers was able to make a full-time income from blogging. Perhaps in one of my next blog I will share with you more on how using CPC Ad Networks such as Google's Adsense Program is one of the most successful earning through blog. Basically what they do is read the article that I write and find the ads that are relevant to it and display them next to the article. The great thing about it is that by having extremely relevant ads, it actually can be quite beneficial to the readers as well.


You spend a lot of time on the social media and if it is your natural element, you may very well be able to turn that hobby into a moneymaker. The social media started out primarily a something of a cyber toy, business are increasingly recognizing its value as a means of promoting their products and services.

If you know how to build following any major social media outlets - Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Google+ - you may be bale to crave out a money making niche for yourself. You can position yourself as an online customer service rep for a business. This is where you helped to direct customers to the right parties in the company if they're having an issue with a product or service.

Social media management is becoming a career field all its own. As you grow into social media from a business perspective, you may fond it to be your potential career, out of what is just a hobby for now.


Coaches are always in demand in every sport and age range. For anyone passionate about a particular sport, coaching can be a great way to fulfill that interest and help others along the way. Perhaps the best part about coaching is that it is a seasonal side hustle, so you only have to dedicate part of the year to it. You can pick a sport that works best for your schedule. If you're particularly accomplished, you may even be able to try to become a coach at the local school, private and organizations looking for coaching help. In addition to marketing your skills through school and recreational organizations, you can also make your services available through local gyms.

Coaching has now evolve with life skills, career and health related.


Are you constantly at the gym and addicted to fitness? If you are passionate about working out, you could earn money by sharing that passion with others through teaching and motivating as a personal trainer.To become a personal trainer, there are likely classes you have to take to get certified before you can start marketing your services. You can either work for a gym directly, or go out on your own as an individual personal trainer.


Teaching and tutors are in demand for just about every skill or subject. You could be a piano teacher, a math tutor, or a tutor for just about anything.Teachers and tutors who are very knowledgeable can charge a premium for their services. Depends on the students profile and subjects matter, tutor can charge as high up to $100 an hour for tutoring services. At that rate, you could work only 10 hours a month and earn an extra $1,000!


It takes someone with skill to bake delicious and artistic looking treats. For those who are skilled at baking, it can easily become a money-making side hustle, just like My Simply Brownies is a family heirloom recipe. With baking, you mostly would be preparing desserts for events, whether it is weddings, baby showers, birthdays, or other. If you have beginner baking skills, cooking stores and craft stores, often will have baking and decorating classes you can enroll in for cheap.


Do you enjoy DIY projects? Are you visionary enough to make something beautiful from scratch? If you love to craft your own decorations, jewelry, art, or other handmade items, there are plenty of ways you can make money by selling them.You can start your own online Etsy shop, which is an online marketplace that allows you to open your own digital store. Thousands of people check Etsy every day for handmade goods, so you already will have a customer base. Another way you can sell your items is locally and in-person. Plenty of cities provide regular markets and craft fairs for you to sell your goods and make extra money.


Who knew you could make extra money by shopping? Whether you enjoy shopping for clothing, antiques, accessories, or furniture, you can make purchases and resell it for extra money. Designer purchases and vintage clothing pieces do particularly well when being resold because they are rare and in higher demand. Apps like POSHMARK make it easy to sell.


Taking Care of Pets If you love animals, you can earn good money by pet sitting or dog walking even grooming. This includes bathing, as well as fur trimming and cutting, and nail clipping, primarily for dogs and cats. Another extension of service is becoming a mobile pet groomer. This is where you have all the equipment that you need and perform services at the customer's home. You can either market to people you know on your services.You’d be surprised by how much money you can earn through taking care of other people’s pets.


Antiquing isn't so much about being able to spot a bargain - though that certainly helps as much as it is the ability to identify a true antique. Books have been written on the subject and there are even websites dedicated to it. If this is a hobby of yours, it wouldn't be difficult to convert it into a paid venture.

Antique shops are at the top of the list. You may be able to work out consignment arrangements with several shops in your area. You may also be bale to become an antique finder for one or more shops. And if you can make contact with some prosperous antique collectors, that could be where the real money is.

Are you ready to make money from your hobby? Now is a good time to get started!

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